
Showing posts from November, 2019

Review: What She Saw Last Night

Review: The Sound of Her Voice

Review: The Pact

Review: Law and Addiction

Review: The Cutting Place

Review: Unprotected

Review: A Window Breaks

Review: Collapse

Review: BREAKING POINT: They may break his body, never his spirit

Review: NO TURNING BACK: A Life For A Life...His Only Choice

Review: In the Wake: A thrilling debut from a writer to watch

Review: An Air That Kills: How long can you hold your breath?

Review: 17 Church Row

Review: Sorcery Reborn

Review: Killer Queen

Review: Stay Mad, Sweetheart

Review: Buried Sins: A gritty addictive psychological thriller

Review: Blind Witness

Review: Into the Dark

Review: Free Lunch

Review: The Scorched Earth: the gripping new thriller from the crime fiction bestseller

Review: Chance

Review: Died and Gone to Devon

Review: The Snow Killer

Review: A Fatal Secret

Review: Hearthstone Cottage

Review: One Christmas Night: The feelgood Christmas book of 2019

Review: Bad Seed

Review: The Purple-Bellied Parrot: An account of His life, times, adventures and misadventures, introducing sundry Characters, both Nefarious and Uproarious

Review: The Three Hares: The Jade Dragonball

Review: Slash

Review: The Existence Of Amy

Review: Return to Hiroshima

Review: From Inside The House

Review: The Photographer of the Lost

Review: Violet

Review: The Lady of the Ravens

Review: Sins of the Fathers: He's out, now innocents suffer

Review: Blue Gold

Review: Hemlock Jones & The Underground Orphans

Review: Those Who Came Before

Review: See Them Run: An utterly gripping detective thriller set in St Andrews

Review: Safe House

Review: Syrian Brides

Review: Devon and Hell – Four Seasons by the Sea: A humorous, uplifting and brilliantly written memoir

Review: Nothing Important Happened Today