Review: Tuesday Mooney Wore Black

Tuesday Mooney Wore Black Tuesday Mooney Wore Black by Kate Racculia
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tuesday works at a Boston Hospital, finding details of the wealthy, so the fundraisers have a way of contacting potential cash donors.

When the eccentric billionaire, Vincent Pryce (I think you can get the tone of the book from that!). He has set a treasure hunt…..with a lot of Poe references, and whoever is successful gains his fortune.

So, obviously the X-files and puzzle loving Tuesday wants to take part. With her quirky friends, the quest begins….They end up in some serious danger at times too.

A story of friendship, and coming to terms with the past, all mixed up with ghosts, puzzles, humour and plenty of pop culture references. All in all a very engaging and entertaining read.

Thank you to the publishers, the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this for free. This is my honest and unbiased review.

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