Review: The Future of Another Timeline

The Future of Another Timeline The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Future Of Another Timeline, a sci-fi novel about time travel? Oh no it’s so much more than that.

Someone is travelling back in time, in ancient time machines, to edit the timeline to eradicate women’s rights, including their reproductive right to abortions etc. The Daughters of Harriet, a feminist group are intent of stopping this one mans plan. (It’s a worry that even now In this present day, a room of middle aged men sit and make decisions on women’s reproductive rights!)

The story centres around Tess, a traveller, who wants to help fix things, including her own past. What happened in those heady punk days of 1992?

She travels back and meets a wonderfully diverse group of feminist activists fighting the misogyny…..Will they succeed? Will Tess get back to her own timeline?

This is a tale of relationships, friends and love and loss, with some time travel too. As in real life, a small change can have a much bigger impact than expected. It has violence, love and a lot of emotions too. It’s sharp, clever, feminist, queer, inclusive, totally amazing and utterly compelling. I loved every minute of it.

My thanks to Orbit Books for a free copy of this marvellous book. This is my honest and unbiased review.

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