Review: Deadly Secrets

Deadly Secrets Deadly Secrets by Gordon Bickerstaff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

DEADLY SECRETS is the Gavin Shawlens Thriller #1 by Gordon Bickerstaff.

This stunningly crafted thriller has an intricate plot, with plenty of twisty surprises.

Gavin Shawlens is an enzymologist, He is also part of a top secret British organization, The Lambeth Group that monitors various research scientists and their discoveries.

Gavin has been asked by SeaPro to test a new food additive derived from the black fiddle fish, that could revolutionize the entire food industry. He’s not sure it will work, but when he finds the wife of the company owner is an ex-girlfriend…..he takes the job.

There’s also an anti-aging cream that’s quite miraculous but at what cost…..and as for the Rehab AVC programme….horrific.

Then all hell breaks out……there is the shady Gyge’s ring…a group capable of murder to get and keep secrets…..Russian’s trying to steal the details of the food additive…
Just when you think everything one is safe and it’s all peaceful…no, there are more twists and heartbreak…is the additive safe, what is the link to poor Boggin…?

I really enjoyed this fast, ingenious and twisty thriller, yes there’s a lot of science, but it’s not overwhelming and really adds to the atmosphere of the tale. Brilliant, engaging and exciting writing by Gordon Bickerstaff….

Thank you to Sarah at Book On The Bright Side for the opportunity to participate in this blog tour and for the promotional materials and a free copy of the ebook. This is my honest, unbiased review.

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