Review: The Lies of Locke Lamora

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great fantasy tale of plots and schemes to steal money from the wealthy, but in such a way that it would cause them such embarrassment that they never reported it. But then the Grey King arrives and things get bloody. Locke Lamora and his gang of Gentlemen Bastards are in danger.

There is magic, good and bad with some great characters in Locke, Jean, Cali, Gado and Bug.

There are flashbacks which give the background of each character giving them life and soul....brilliant.

I felt it was a mix of Oliver Twist and Game of Thrones (Ice and Fire series) but in a new and original world.

There are some truly great lines such as : ‘ the air was heavy with the slightly beery breath of a city river boiling under the long hours of sun’ .....a great description and you just know what that smells like.

‘The metal rod slid into a hole bored down through the stone and locked there with a twist, briefly pushing up a little fountain of water ‘ clear that you know exactly how that looked....really great writing that builds a little reality into a magical and at times miserable world. I loved this and can thoroughly recommend it.

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