Review: This Little Dark Place

This Little Dark Place This Little Dark Place by A.S. Hatch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This Little Dark Place….really is dark….it has a slowly growing sense of tension, the feeling something bad is coming,

I must admit to, initially, getting a little confused as to who was who, but it soon became clear.

Daniel is writing a letter, it tells of his life with Victoria. They have a quiet life, Daniel makes furniture and Victoria wants a baby. But the sadness of miscarriages causes them to drift apart, barely speaking to each other anymore.

Daniel decides to join a penpal scheme, where members of the public correspond with prison inmates, until one day, he gets a reply from Ruby. A strange and slightly bizarre relationship begins.

The chapters are written as letters between Dan and Lucy, where we here only his side to events…..who is Lucy?

I won’t say much more, as I would hate to spoil this wonderfully, dark and genuinely creepy, goosebumpy, psychological thriller.

Thank you to Rachel at Serpents Tail for the opportunity to participate in this blog tour, for the promotional materials and a free copy of the book. This is my honest, unbiased review.

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