Review: Moonstomp

Moonstomp Moonstomp by Tim Wells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Joe Bovshover, works in a print shop during the day and is a skinhead. He’s sharp dressed in regulation DM’s, button down shirts and braces……he’s also a werewolf!

Bitten on the cheek by Lene Lovich at a gig, he keeps waking up covered in blood but with no memory of how he got home…..must be the booze right?

This is a wild ride through the late 70’s with its music, culture and politics.

”Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher’

Such close attention to detail, books of the time (Pan Horror, of which I still have a few), the blakeys on boots and shoes…..(I can hear that tap shoe click in my mind) and the huge range of music….punk, ska, reggae etc….and the fashion that went with it….

A time when Camden Market was real and ‘unique’..

A brilliant social commentary with the horror of a werewolf in London…brutal and thoroughly entertaining…..I hope there’s a follow up!

“There was a monster sat in Downing Street intent on tearing the country apart and eating it’s beating heart”

Thank you to The Author and The Pigeonhole for a free ecopy of Moonstomp. This is my honest and unbiased review.

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