Review: Familiar Strangers

Familiar Strangers Familiar Strangers by Jackie Walsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rebecca Hall’s mum is in a care home, she has Alzheimer’s and her good days are now being overtaken by the bad ones. Some days she doesn’t recognise Becca at all and it’s heartbreaking….

On one of her lucid moments she tells Becca, ‘You’re not my daughter, I took s was just the dementia talking…..wasn’t it?…..

Shaken and upset, Becca returns home but feels someone has been in her apartment….but nothing is missing and even her neighbour, Jeff thinks she may be imagining it….

Watching TV she sees news of a missing woman, Katie Collins….why does she look familiar?

When Katie’s body is found, the police have questions for Becca, but she knows nothing and is left with many many questions…..her life begins to unravel, she doesn’t know who she is any more…

This is a mix of family drama and thriller and Jackie Walsh has written an empathetic description of the horrendous disease, that is Alzheimer’s (my own mother has this and I know how heartbreaking it is to see the person you know slowly disappear)..

The clever writing also makes you wonder just how far we would go to protect our children, it also shows how Becca’s life starts to fall apart, losing her job, her home and almost her sanity. A totally engrossing thriller, with many suspects that will keep you guessing right to the very end….I loved every minute and can recommend this unreservedly…

Thank you to Sarah at Book On The Bright Side for the opportunity to participate in this blog tour and for the promotional materials and a free copy of the ebook. This is my honest, unbiased review.

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