Review: The Naturalist

The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Professor Theo Cray is an MIT graduate specializing in computational biology. He analyses data and builds models researching biological, behavioral, and social systems.

Andrew Mayne starts the story with a bang. Theo Cray's motel room in a small town in Montana is under fire by the local police. Cray is thrown to the ground and handcuffed with no idea why. Chaos and mayhem ensue.

Theo is finally told that a old student of his at university of Austin, Texas, was found dead in the forest not too far from his motel . After long hours of interrogation, Theo is finally allowed to leave. As the days go by, it is believed that Juniper, the student, was killed by a grizzly bear. A bear is then killed by a local hunter . End of story you say. Oh no indeed not.

Determined to find out what really happened to Juniper, Theo visits the scene and is convinced that Juniper's death was due to man not beast. But convincing the local police is tough going.

Theo uses computer analysis and his familiarity with botany and ecosystems, he begins to reveal crazy, unbelievable theories. This could be a serial killer!!! The adventure begins.

The author, Andrew Mayne uses a lot of science science in The Naturalist, but it is done in such a way that the reader is not overwhelmed or bored. In order to totally enjoy this wild ride, just sit back and let this story unfold. The ending is full of exciting action which may actually raise a heartbeat or two....thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to the next in the series

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